Category: News

  • Pets and livestock are at risk in heat

    Pets and livestock suffer from the heat.   Make sure all pets and livestock have access to cool, clean water and shade. Try to provide shade for all animals pastured outside. Consider adding shade cloth or tarps to an area to provide shade or open pastures to areas where trees or buildings provide shade. Limit exercising…

  • Dangerous heat this week. Take care of family, neighbors, pets

    Take extra precautions this week as hot temperatures and high humidity are causing dangerous conditions in parts of the state. Last summer, five people died and more than 100 people received medical treatment due to extreme heat in Wisconsin. Most of the victims did not have air conditioning. Installing air conditioning devices into your home…

  • Village of Antioch postpones fireworks

      Due to the conditions in the Antioch area being unfavorable, Antioch’s Annual Independence Day Fireworks have been postponed indefinitely. Factors determined to be unfavorable in the launch area include exceptionally dry ground cover, close proximity to houses and businesses and extreme hot temperatures combined with moderate winds. The remainder of the events planned for…

  • Put water out for wildlife

    Wildlife are struggling in this heat. With rain water scarce, there are no puddles for wildlife to drink. Experts suggest placing a large container of cold water in a shady area. Do not use metal as they will heat up and burn small feet. Replace the water during the day if possible, animals like fresh…

  • Dangerous heat expected this week

    Residents are encouraged to take extra precautions this week as hot temperatures and high humidity are causing dangerous conditions in parts of the state. Last summer, five people died and more than 100 people received medical treatment due to extreme heat in Wisconsin. Most of the victims did not have air conditioning. The combination of…


    The Kenosha Public Museum, Civil War Museum and Dinosaur Discovery Museum are designated cooling centers during the summer heat emergency. The public is welcome to cool down inside the air conditioned museums during regular business hours. The Kenosha Public Museum and Civil War Museum are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon to…

  • Antioch dedicates new fire engine

    Antioch dedicates new fire engine

    Antioch firefighters and members of the public push new engine No. 2125 into its new home. Once inside, firefighters followed the old tradition of wetting the wheels, once done to keep the old wooden wagon wheels on old fire equipment  from cracking. (Jude Kaider photo)

  • End of an era

    End of an era

    Old customers and family friends traveled to Schmidt Implement in Salem last weekend, perhaps hoping to pick up a bit of history or an elusive machine part that only a decades old implement dealer might have laying around. Schmidt Implement joined Mid-State Equipment earlier this year. All 19 full-time employees were hired by Mid-State and…

  • Aquanuts perform at Libertyfest

    Aquanuts perform at Libertyfest

    The award-winning Aquanuts water ski teams will perform two shows during this weekend’s Libertyfest, tonight, Friday, June 29 and Saturday, June 30. These will be rare evening shows. The teams are shown performing at the Mercury Open in Janesville two week ago. (Lisa Neal photo)

  • Silver Lake unveils ambitious road project

    By Gail Peckler-Dziki~Correspondent The Silver Lake Village Board unanimously approved the borrowing of up to $225,000 and using $113,704 of budgeted money and money left from last year to repair roads and a storm water project. The plan is to rework the east lane of School Street from Dells to South and resurface the west…