Prescribed burns proposed for lands in Racine and Kenosha Counties

The Department of Natural Resources is proposing to conduct prescribed burns on several state properties in Racine and Kenosha Counties during late March, April and early May. These state areas are located in the Town of Burlington, Rochester, Dover and Waterford in Racine County, and the Towns of Brighton, Randall, and Wheatland and Village of Pleasant Prairie in Kenosha

Prescribed burns are used in management to improve wildlife habitat, control invasive plant species, restore and maintain native plant communities and reduce wildfire potential. Some specific advantages of prescribed burns include:

• stimulating prairie grass growth and improve habitat for upland game and waterfowl;

• creating pockets of open water for waterfowl amidst cattails proliferating in low areas;

• improving cover type for upland nesting birds, such as pheasants, and spurs native vegetative growth for songbirds;

• helping preserve grassland, savanna and many forest plant communities sustained by natural fires prior to intensive European settlement.

Why is fire used? The vast, sweeping wildfires of 150 years ago have been all but eliminated in Wisconsin.   These fires, set primarily by Native Americans, were once as much a part of the pre-settlement Wisconsin environment as rain, drought and the passing of the seasons.  Because frequent fire played a significant role in the development of much of Wisconsin’s native plant communities for thousands of years, many plant and animal species now depend on fire for their continued existence.

Prairie grasses and flowers develop deep roots and buds beneath the soil, enabling them to withstand the heat of a fire, while shallow rooted invasive brush succumbs. In addition, oak ecosystems rely on fire to remove accumulated leaf litter, dead trees and invading brush, maintaining the open character of oak savannas, and in general, keeping oak on the landscape. Without management, including the use of prescribed burning, many native grassland, wetland and woodland plant communities would be lost.

When do they occur? Prescribed burning typically occurs during the early spring (March through May) and late fall (November), but can occur beyond these periods if conditions allow. These are the periods when conditions allow for safe burning, and generally when desirable plant and animal species are less active. In the spring this typically means between the times that snow has melted and significant green-up has occurred. In the fall, this is typically after some good hard frosts and before winter precipitation.

What about safety? Before any burn is conducted, experienced and trained personnel assess the area to determine the wind direction and speed, relative humidity, grass moisture and safety requirements. Qualified personnel control fire behavior through the use of comprehensive planning and specialized fire equipment.

What about the smoke? Smoke control is an important aspect of any prescribed burn plan. Prior to burning, experienced personnel carefully review the burn area and the proximity of houses, roads and other smoke-sensitive areas.  This information is then incorporated into the plan and the prescribed burn occurs when favorable conditions (e.g., wind) minimize the amount of smoke reaching these areas.

Burn proposals may be reviewed at the DNR Sturtevant Service Center, 9531 Rayne Road, Sturtevant. Questions or comments regarding the burns should be directed to Wildlife Management staff at the Sturtevant Service Center at (262) 884-2391. You can also visit the department’s Web site at To learn more, search for keywords: “prescribed burns.”



