Life Jacket Loaner Program available in area

In Wisconsin and Illinois,  boaters must abide by Federal Regulations, which requires all children under 13 wear a PFD that is in good condition and Coast Guard approved.


Every parent wants to make sure his or her child is as safe as possible, and that goes double for parents who take their kids on the water. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety & Clean Water makes it easier for boating families to stay safe with its national life jacket loaner program. Around the country, over 500 marinas, fuel docks, BoatUS Towing Operators, Army Corp recreation sites and other waterfront businesses lend out kids’ life jackets for the day or weekend to families who have a temporary need for one.

Lake Geneva, Winthrop Harbor, Kenosha Harbor, North Point Marina and Waukegan all have free loaner program to assure children are safe on the water.

Go to to the left to the screen is a tab called “Find a Loaner Near You.” 

Click on the state you are interested in and you will find a list of life jacket loaner locations. This is a free service. 



