Burning ban issued for all Kenosha County Parks

A burning ban is in effect at all Kenosha County Parks and will remain in place until further notice, Kenosha County Parks Operations General Manager Jonathan Rudie said Thursday.

The burning ban reflects a recommendation by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, which has placed Southeastern Wisconsin under a “Very High” fire condition warning. The definition is that “Very dangerous fire conditions exist. Fires start easily, spread rapidly and are difficult to control. Burning is not recommended.”

Rudie said the ban on all open fires includes all fires in outdoor grills (this includes no use of charcoal in the grills); no use of fire rings or fireplaces; no fireworks of any type, and no careless use of smoking materials.  Propane grills may be used, but he asks that people use common sense.

“At this time, we have large expanses of dormant, dry grass and extremely dry leaf litter in our woodlands in the county parks,” Rudie said. “We are very concerned about the chances of fires spreading.”

For more information about the burning ban, please contact the Kenosha County Parks Division at 262-857-1869.

Signs will be posted today that say:


Dangerous fire conditions


No campfires, grilling with charcoal or wood,

Fireworks or careless use of smoking materials in the park.


By Order of the Kenosha County Parks Dept.



