Skinner announces new committee assignments

During Monday’s regular meeting of the Twin Lakes Village Board, President Howard Skinner made the following committee assignments:

• Administration, Finance, Judiciary, Licensing: Chairman Sharon Bower; Jeremy Knoll, Tom Connolly;

• Streets and Roads, Equipment, Streetlights, Weeds, Lake Planning and Protection: Chairman, Tom Connolly; Barb Andres and Kevin Fitzgerald;

• Police, Fire Lake Control, Parks and Beaches: Chairman Jeremy Knoll; Sharon Bower and Tom Connolly;

• Sewer, Health and Environment, Youth, Library: Chairman, Barb Andres: Kevin Fitzgerald, Aaron Karow;

• Cemetery, Sanitation, Recycling, Seniors: Chairman Kevin Fitzgerald; Sharon Bower and Aaron Karow;

• Building and Zoning, Plan Commission, Public Buildings: Chairman Aaron Karow; Tom Connolly and Barb Andres.



