Daybreak joins the Libertyfest fun

p_1545 adult daybreakStaff, friends and patrons of Daybreak, an adult day program of Kenosha Area Family & Aging Services, Inc., make a colorful splash in the Libertyfest parade July 5. The program caters to eligible adults, regardless of age, who are in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or other related dementia. Volunteers help in facilitating activities such as arts and crafts, singing, dancing, gardening, assorted gentle exercises, painting, board games, parties, field trips, nature walks, and serving lunch, just to name a few.  For more information or to become a volunteer please call Diana Mengo at (262) 358-5662. Daybreak is located in the Mother Teresa Center behind St John’s Catholic Church at 701 N Lake Ave, Twin Lakes, above the food pantry and is in need of volunteers. (Earlene Frederick photo)



